frequently asked questions

Q: Is a short sale and a foreclosure the same thing?

A: Not at all. In a foreclosure, the bank is in control. They may take years to actually foreclose on the property. This prolongs your credit repair process and a second or third mortgage may still come back after you for payment.

In a short sale, you are getting the house off your plate sooner and getting your credit back on track. One advantage is being in a better position to settle your debts without the banks coming after you for any payments. Of course, this is our goal also.

Another benefit of a short sale is you may qualify for one of the many programs that the bank will pay you to complete a short sale.

A benefit for the bank is that they do not have all the cost to take the property back, pay to manage sale of the foreclosed property, find a buyer and still pay all the costs to close the sale.

Q: What does it cost me to complete a short sale?

A: The only cost is keeping current with HOA or condo fees as both of these could end up with attorney’s coming after you. The bank will cover the costs of the sale including title fees, escrow fees, excise tax and commission.  No fees charged to Seller of Buyer  to cover attorney fees as myself and my staff handle all bank negotiations.

Q: What are the steps to get started with a short sale?

A: Contact me or my team to set up a no fee short sale consultations so you will understand all the processes.  Then if all sounds good, it's time to list the property and procure a buyer.

Q: How long does it take to complete a short sale?

A: Upon listing and procuring a buyer we are looking at 90-120 days to negotiate with banks normally.

Some banks are quicker some are slower..we will discuss this at the consultation.

The design process, at its best, integrates the aspirations of art, science, and culture.


Peter Walkin
Robert Porter
Dina Johnson

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Robert Shapiro, CEO of trulr

Curabitur semper, sem ut posuere tincidunt, sem velit sollicitudin odio, quis hendrerit sapien nunc sit amet sem. Ut sollicitudin dignissim ligula nec porta. 

Lila stokinova, designer at nike

Vestibulum sed commodo nunc, eu.. Curabitur semper, sem ut posuere tincidunt, sem velit sollicitudin odio, quis hendrerit sapien nunc sit amet sem. Ut sollicitudin dignissim ligula nec porta. 

Robert Shapiro, CEO of trulr

Vestibulum sed commodo nunc, eu aliquet sem. Curabitur semper, sem ut posuere tincidunt, sem velit sollicitudin odio, quis hendrerit sapien nunc sit amet sem. Ut sollicitudin dignissim ligula nec porta. 

Robert Shapiro, CEO of trulr